Ashley Hiscock - Premier Athletic Therapy and Sports Medicine
“Metro Business Opportunities have been a literal godsend for us. If they weren’t in the picture, Premier Athletic would not be in the picture either. Besides being a huge financial help, they just are lovely people, so you can’t ask for more support than that. It was just so nice to finally go in somewhere and feel like people weren’t judging. You can’t be expected to know everything about starting a business, and MBO were the only ones who actually delivered on that. It’s just really nice to have someone seem like they actually care about the success of your business. MBO is the first place I send people when they express any interest in owning their own business.
Neither Matt or myself are business people, we are therapists first and business people very much second, so anytime Impact and MBO have training sessions that seem relevant for our business we really try to attend.”
— Ashley Hiscock, co-owner of Premier Atheltic Therapy and Sports Medicine